We routinely represent non-profit and for-profit organizations and institutions in the defense of abuse, neglect, wrongful death, trafficking, rape and molestation claims.
Our lawyers have defended a wide variety of social and human services organizations, ranging from foster care agencies, Community Umbrella Agencies (CUA), churches, religious orders, schools, day care centers, early education programs, colleges and universities, hospitals, summer camps, mental health providers (both inpatient and outpatient programs), residential treatment facilities, juvenile residential facilities and organizations serving disabled persons.
Frequently, our lawyers are retained to defend claims against these organizations and institutions arising out of alleged sexual, mental and physical abuse, neglect, drug overdose, personal injury and wrongful death. Our team has extensive knowledge of the regulations and statutes which govern the operation of these organizations and institutions, along with state and city Department of Human Services regulations and guidelines. Additionally, our team has extensive knowledge of the Child Protective Services Law and the Foster Family Care Act.
Further, the team routinely handles matters and issues involving confidentiality and privacy regulations, including but not limited to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Mental Health Procedures Act, and other related statutes and regulations pertaining to such issues. In addition, our lawyers regularly counsel licensed providers in complying with these statutes and regulations when responding to subpoenas or when asked to testify on behalf of patients. We also represent licensed professionals in state board investigations.
Overall, our team understands the complex legal issues that our clients face and the devotion they have to in providing the best services possible to their own clients. We strive to assist our clients in protecting and advancing these important objectives.
- Founding Partner and Co-Chair of Construction, Crane and Heavy Equipment Litigation Practice
- Of Counsel